Wilkins Beach Barrie, Ontario.
The city of Barrie is making efforts to calm down residents by stepping up enforcement at Wilkins beach and other waterfronts like Tyndale park and Centennial beach.
Residents are furious as the problems continue at Wilkins beach in Barrie. Parking and garbage are some of the concerns residents in this quit neighborhood raise.
The lack of washrooms is another huge problem as 100’s of people, many from out of town, visit Wilkins beach Barrie. Many come from the city for the day and have no idea, that there are no washrooms. You can imagine what happens to the area without washrooms.
Kim Philips wrote a very good article on Wilkins beach Barrie. You can read it here at Barrie CTV News
There have been threats made to residents and fights. The police has been called a few times to step in. Many residents don’t feel safe anymore and stopped going to the little beach.
As of now there is a residents pass, park only around Wilkins beach and visitors from out of town will be ticketed. It is very unfortunate that many people drive for an hour or more to come to this tiny beach and find out that here are no washrooms, no parking and no space on the beach.
Wilkins beach Barrie Ontario. The beach is only 50 meters wide so many people are very disappointed when they arrive. Not only about the size of Wilkins beach but also because of the lack of washrooms and parking.